Planting a tree doesn’t have to be intimidating. It can actually be quite simple and enjoyable. By following these steps you will increase its chances of recovery and survival. To help you get started, watch the full video (in French only).

1. Move the tree with care
Before you begin, it is important to always handle your tree with care. It is better to hold the pot (rather than the stem) when you want to move your tree. This is especially true for fruit trees since they are often produced on rootstocks. They are therefore more fragile.
2. Dig a hole as deep as the tree’s container
The hole should be at least twice as wide as the tree’s container and as deep as its container. The edges of the hole can be tilted.
3. Gently remove the container
You can cut the container to remove it if it is difficult to do so. If the network of roots is very developed (the roots have grown along the walls of the container, a phenomenon called spiralization), it is advisable to make a few cuts in the roots to break the spiralization.

4. MYCORRHIZa or not?
This year, our trees having already been inoculated with mycorrhiza, it is no longer necessary to add more during the planting.
5. Place the tree in the hole
When doing so, it is important to make sure that the base of the trunk reaches the same height as the surface of the ground. Once the tree is in place, the trunk should be straight and the branches should be well positioned (ie clear to grow without interfering with anything).
6. fill the planting pit
One shovelful of soil at a time, fill the planting pit. Between each shovelful, lightly pack the fresh soil with your hands or feet, so as to remove all air pockets.
When filling the pit, special care must be taken not to cover the collar of the tree (for a regular tree) or the rootstock (for a fruit tree). In either case, these structures form a visible bulge at the base of the tree trunk.

7. Form a bowl around the excavated part
With the rest of the soil, form a basin around the excavated part. This basin will be used to receive the irrigation water and to concentrate it towards the roots of the tree.
8. Cover the edges and the inside of the bowl with a layer of organic mulch
Mulch helps to retain soil moisture and when it decomposes, it provides nutrients to the tree. It is recommended to apply a new layer of mulch each year.

9. Fill the bowl with water and let the water soak into the soil
Immediately after planting, water the tree. Fill the basin with water and let it sink into the soil. Slow deep waterings are ideal for newly planted trees as this assists the tree establish its roots deep into the soil.

Adding a tutor is recommended
The addition of a stake is recommended when the tree is planted in a very windy place, on steeply sloping ground, if the tree is poorly rooted or in a place with a lot of traffic.
If you are using a tutor, be sure to:
• Plant it outside the root ball;
• Install it facing the prevailing winds;
• Use a clip that does not overtighten the trunk;
• Withdraw it after 1 year.

In most cases, soils in residential areas lack organic matter; it is therefore advisable to obtain a good planting soil to amend yours. The choice of this soil will depend on the quality of the soil in your property and the species of the tree you are planting. Refer to a gardening consultant!

Protect the young trunk against rodents
It is advisable to protect the young trunk against rodents by using a trunk protector (several models available on the market). Install this protection for the winter only. Remember to raise it along the trunk as the snow accumulates. Remove it in the spring.

Water regularly
Water regularly and generously during the first two years after planting, especially during periods of drought. Allow the surface of the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Prefer watering early in the morning or at the end of the day (when the tree is not in the sun).