Fruit trees : sensitive trees
Fruit trees are more fragile and susceptible to disease than the other categories we offer. It may happen that upon receipt of the trees, our team determines that certain trees are unsuitable for sale (will not bud, are affected by disease, etc.).
In this case, you will receive an email informing you that the order will be canceled and your money will be refunded.
Fruit tree pollination
The flowers you see on your trees in the spring are potentially future fruit! But for each flower to become fruit, it must be fertilized with pollen from another flower. This is called “pollination. Most fruit trees rely on insects to carry pollen from one flower to another.
Fruit trees fall into two broad categories: self-fertile and self-sterile:
A self-fertile species can produce fruit by self-fertilization. In other words, pollen from one tree can fertilize flowers of the same tree or variety. Therefore, these trees can be planted alone and still produce fruit.
A self-sterile species CANNOT produce fruit by self-fertilization. Pollen from one tree CANNOT pollinate flowers of the same variety. It is important to have another variety of the same species nearby for fruit production to occur. For example, two self-sterile apple trees of the same variety will not pollinate each other.
It should be noted that even for a self-pollinating species, it is preferable to plant another variety nearby for better production.
For most varieties, the maximum recommended distance between compatible fruit trees is 30 meters.
Also, fruit doesn’t grow from the first year; depending on the species, it may take several years before it can be harvested:
-Apricot: 2 to 5 years
-Cherries: 3 to 7 years
-Plums: 3 to 6 years
-Apple: 4 to 7 years
-Pear: 3 to 6 years
So for most fruit trees, you’ll need 2 different AND compatible varieties to provide the pollination needed for fruit production.